
Fishing Opener, Raking and Sunday thoughts about Truth

There is something therapeutic about raking, at least that's what I keep telling myself. The reward for raking the flower beds is uncovering the spring bulbs we planted last fall, which are now up and so cute, tiny daffodils and some other little flower whose name we forgot to write down. The moss that lines the driveway, did I mention how long the driveway is, is bright green when the leaves that fell before that first snow are raked away and there is some really cool green “stuff” showing out the side of the hill that we are going to research for a science project this week. We have turkeys living by the pond now, and Copper & Chinook love scouting for them, then proudly prancing back for hugs with muddy paws!

Opener was blustery! Cool temps and very windy, I’m glad we waited to put boats in. If you missed it, don’t fret, think better days for being on the water are coming, because they are, it was brutal out there!! 60 today, 67 tomorrow and less wind.

Greetings to Scott and family, it was great catching up yesterday. Hope you can make it out this summer so we can further discuss how Truth gets covered up and never gets its day in court. Always disappointing to hear of another situation where humans, motivated by money, greed, and selfishness, commit such hideous acts, and based on their wealth and connections, get away with this behavior. But today, because we can only control our own behavior, we are off to replace the deck, bask in the sun and enjoy the company of our precious daughter, a good thing in this world. Hope you find a way to enjoy today also.